Here's a photo of Robert Downey Jr. making a child weep with the realization that Iron Man is just a lie

As part of a continued effort to make sure he grows up strong, one assumes, the mother of 18-month-old Jaxson Denno doubled down on the burden of his name by giving him an early lesson in hard reality. According to People, Heather Denno told Jaxson he was going to “meet Iron Man”—only to instead introduce him to Robert Downey Jr., stripped of his powerful suit and Tony Stark goatee, and reduced to an ordinary man of flesh for his upcoming role in The Judge. Naturally, Jaxson immediately burst into tears, overwhelmed by the truth that we are all brittle beings, vulnerable as anything on this earth to danger and decay, and that the idea of an all-powerful guardian protecting us from harm is only self-delusion.

Fortunately, Denno says her son “was fine as soon as he talked to him,” with Downey presumably telling little Jaxson all about his role in James Toback’s Two Girls And A Guy and what it says about deception and moral ambiguity, and a newly matured Jaxson agreeing that, yes, this is the world he must live in now. [via Gawker]

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