Here's Cameron Diaz as the new Annie's Miss "H-Bomb" Hannigan, for the streets

It’s been clear from the get-go that the Will Smith and Jay Z-produced remake of Annie is not your daddy’s Little Orphan Annie musical—unless you’re Willow Smith, and even then you’re like, “No thanks, daddy. I’d rather quietly contemplate the stark inevitability of adolescence than star in a movie about how your friend sampled ‘Hard Knock Life’ one time.” There’s the fact that it is, again, produced by Will Smith and Jay Z, that Jamie Foxx’s Daddy Warbucks will be renamed “Benjamin Stacks,” to better relate to today’s hip-hoppin’ youth, and now, your first glimpse of Cameron Diaz’s Miss Hannigan, whose look has similarly been updated for the streets that are watching an Annie musical, apparently.

As you can see in both the below photo tweeted by Diaz herself and this official Getty image we’re too cheap to license (being no Benjamin Stacks ourselves), Annie’s cruel orphanage caretaker now has a bleached Miley Cyrus updo, a trashy, tiny-shorts-and-torn-stockings aesthetic, and a necklace that reads “H-Bomb”—all the better to convey that this Miss Hannigan practices a more modern, mad phresh version of child abuse. Perhaps in this Annie, Miss H-Bomb puts her charges to twerk? Anything goes in Annie, Gs.

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