Here's Peach and Daisy, dancing to every song in the world

If there’s one thing the internet has proven, it’s that there’s meme potential everywhere. While some of us walk the earth, thumbing through websites, watching movies, and playing video games with only a surface appreciation of what’s on the screen, others identify something more.

Take, for instance, the most recent haul from the meme mines: a GIF of the Mario series’ Princess Peach and Princess Daisy dancing their asses off to pretty much whatever music you can think of.

The entire Twitter account (which is very honestly named “peach and daisy dancing to”) was created by @spidhrboy inspired by a previous mash-up, and is devoted to nothing more than chronicling the two eternal dancers as they boogie forevermore. Try not to be distracted by their pair of wide, dead eyes staring helplessly out at you as they get down to everything from The Carters’ “Apeshit” to Ariana Grande’s “Break Free” and Portugal The Man’s “Feel It Still.”

The sheer volume of videos already tweeted out means that not all work as well as you’d hope, but, that said, some of the matches the account has managed to pull together are truly delightful. Like, say, this one set to Drake’s “In My Feelings.”

Or Kali Uchis’ “Your Teeth in My Neck.”

Or Brockhampton’s “Boogie.”

Or, god, Christina Aguilera’s “Dirrty.”

And Biggie’s “Notorious B.I.G.”

Not only do the royal twosome have impressive range, but they’re the heirs apparent to a new internet subgenre—the “dance-to-anything GIF”—that shows no signs of stopping. Last fall, we were graced with Dancing Pennywise, Dancing David Harbour, and Dancing Armie Hammer within the space of a few months. With Peach and Daisy shaking their way into these dog days of summer, this year’s harvest season is starting even earlier.

[via The Daily Dot]

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