Here's the guy who will star in The Crow remake, finally

After nearly two years of being spurned by alpha males like Bradley Cooper and Channing Tatum—a pattern of rejection that just made it want to hole up in its bedroom, cranking its For Love Not Lisa CD—Relativity’s remake of The Crow has finally found its lead. Deadline reports that Luke Evans will take on the role that Brandon Lee made both famous and impossible to assume without being accused of trampling on the legacy of a dead man, bringing with him appreciably less baggage than some of those other would-be Eric Dravens, like Mark Wahlberg, James McAvoy, Tom Hiddleston, and Alexander Skarsgard.

Unlike all those actors with their distracting established personalities, Evans has thus far mostly lurked in the shadows of films like The Hobbit, The Three Musketeers, Immortals, and Clash Of The Titans, leaving behind only a chilling sense of emptiness—all the better to play a guy who abandons his own murkily sketched identity to become the world’s first motivated goth. In addition to being The Crow, Evans also co-starred in the Edgar Allan Poe thriller The Raven and recently signed on to star in Universal’s Dracula reboot, meaning he’s in for a lifetime of creepy gifts from fans. Hope he likes blood and macramé.

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