Hero sues internet date for texting during Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2

It’s no wonder that so many cinephiles only watch movies at home anymore, considering that the movie-going public is full of assholes. There are the people who talk during the movie, because they somehow believe they’re still in their own living room, and those who text from the theater, inadvertently blinding the rest of us because they can’t look at only a single screen for .002 seconds. So while we’re not saying that 37-year-old Brandon Vezmar of Austin, Texas, isn’t taking this to a bit of an extreme, we can definitely see where he’s coming from.

As reported on Austin-based movie site Birth.Movies.Death, Vezmar was on a first date with a woman he met online, and took the young lady in question to see the exciting new Guardians Of The Galaxy sequel, an action-packed, superior film that should have no trouble capturing the attention of the average human. But Vezmar’s date proceeded to text throughout the movie. Vezmar at first appealed to her, saying that her habit was a particular pet peeve of his, as it is to so many of us who respect the sacred space of the theater. But to no avail: “According to the petition, the woman ‘activated her phone at least 10-20 times in 15 minutes to read and send text messages.’” Vezmar reasonably suggested that she take her texting outside. She did so, and left the theater, leaving Vezmar without a ride.

The story doesn’t confirm this, but we’re doubting there was a second date—especially now that Vezmar has decided to sue his former movie companion for all of $17.31, presumably the price of the ticket and the Lyft ride home. The article states,

According to the petition, the texting was a “direct violation” of the theater’s policy and that his date “adversely” affected Vezmar’s viewing experience and that of other patrons.

“While damages sought are modest the principle is important as defendant’s behavior is a threat to civilized society,” the petition said.

We couldn’t agree more, but we’ll leave it to the Texas courts to decide. If Vezmar wins his case, however, at least we’ll all have some legal backup the next time some jerk ignores the “turn your phone off” warning during movie previews.

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