Heroes Reborn casts the evil Peter Pan kid from Once Upon A Time

Apparently, like the Highlander, there can be only one childlike actor delivering goofy lines about completely unbelievable situations on TV at a time. And since Ashton Kutcher has already completed his role on Two And A Half Men, that responsibility now falls to Robbie Kay. The actor recently portrayed the villainous Peter Pan on ABC’s Once Upon A Time, and now Deadline reports that the British-born thespian is set to join NBC’s upcoming Heroes Reborn.

Along with Zachary Levi—another actor well-acquainted with pretending to be more than human while technicians fiddle with a green screen behind him—Kay will be playing a new, as-yet-unnamed hero. They join returning Heroes actor Jack Coleman, who will show them the ropes of how to be a hero, as well as how to endure being on a show that gets progressively worse every year. And despite looking like Hayden Christensen’s sulky younger brother, Kay will reportedly not raise his arms in the air and bellow “NOOOOOOOOO” in the new miniseries—unless, of course, he’s informed that the contract he signed is for more than one season.

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