Hey kids, it's the coronavirus cancellation round-up!

Hey kids, it's the coronavirus cancellation round-up!
Photo: Brian Babineau/NHLI

Hey folks: It’s that time once again, as we do our dangedest here at The A.V. Club to give you a quick heads-up about all the exciting events, concerts, and other gatherings of warm and friendly transmission vectors that won’t be happening any time soon, on account of fears about the COVID-19 coronavirus.

Events like, say, Green Day and BTS concerts, both of which have, per the New York Post, been postponed due to concerns about the viral outbreak. All of these dates were going to take place in Asia, where incidents of the disease have been more prominent; BTS announced that it was canceling four April dates in Seoul, while Green Day won’t be appearing in Singapore in March. We can only hope that these two groups can come together to treat fans to some really great make-up concerts some time soon, less because any of that feels terribly pressing at the moment, and more because the idea of the demographics at a Green Day/BTS concert are extremely amusing to us in terms oftheir complete and utter lack of overlap.

Meanwhile, in the States, the annual Games Developers Conference—one of the largest yearly gatherings of indie and established video game creation figures in the industry—has also been postponed. Per Vice, the San Francisco event has been plagued for weeks by dropouts from some of its most prominent participants, including Microsoft and Sony, and has now formally canceled its expected March debut. Refunds will be issued to attendees, and there are reportedly plans for some kind of “summer” event to take place, provided we’re all still alive by then.

Ha ha, just kidding, everything is fine! BTS and Green Day are definitely not, at this very moment, secreting themselves away in an isolated bunker somewhere, in order to emerge 10 years from now with the song that will heal our battered and disease-ravaged world. And if they were, we couldn’t tell you! So everything is probably, definitely okay.

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