Hey, let's take a load off and look at some relaxing video-game skies

Hey, let's take a load off and look at some relaxing video-game skies

We know it’s only Monday, but the world is a terrible, stressful place, and, frankly, you deserve a break. So, why not sit back, relax, and take a much-needed scroll through this impressive collection of video game skies on Tumblr? These cloud-covered background images may vary greatly in terms of style but they all have the power to transport you back to a simpler time, when the worst thing you had to overcome was a difficult section of Super Metroid.

Like many video game retrospectives before it, this collection begins with 1985’s Super Mario Bros. The simple matte blue background with three bush-shaped clouds is nearly as iconic as the little Italian man himself. But, as years went on, and video games became more complex, their skies became equally elaborate.

When you’re actually playing these games, you likely won’t give a second thought to the digital sky in the background. You would certainly notice it if it wasn’t there, but, in the moment, you’re more focused on the task at hand. Presented on their own, however, the diversity of color and design is impressive. Especially given the limitations of the technology.

Currently, there are over twenty pages of video games skies on the Tumblr, with a new one being posted every day. That should be just enough to get you through Monday. After that, you’re on your own.

[via Metafilter]

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