Hiccup fights workplace boredom in the video for “Teasin’”

Hiccup fights workplace boredom in the video for “Teasin’”

Fans of The Chris Gethard Show will likely recognize members of the new band Hiccup. Formed by Hallie Bulleit and Alex Clute—also known to fans of the show as Messenger Bag—the pair play in TCGS’ house band The LLC, where they compose songs seemingly on the fly for the late-night show. With the addition of drummer Piyal Basu, Hiccup takes that freewheeling spirit and gives Bulleit and Clute some room to settle in. The band’s debut album Imaginary Enemies will be released March 24 on Father/Daughter Records, but The A.V. Club is premiering the video for “Teasin’” below, which sees the band finding ways to breakthrough the boredom of a mundane office job. “Teasin’” is the kind of bouncing pop-punk song that’s seemingly a pile of hooks and harmonies, all of which is over in a flash.

Imaginary Enemies comes out on Father/Daughter Records on March 24 2017.

[The Chris Gethard Show airs on Fusion, which, like The A.V. Club, is owned by Univision Communications.]

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