Hollywood blocks Ledger clip

In a moving and respectful show of censorship, members of the film industry joined forces this week to keep Entertainment Tonight from airing a video clip of the late Heath Ledger attending a drug-fueled party two years ago. A host of celebrities–including Robin Williams, Sean Penn, Tobey Maguire, Mike Myers, Jennifer Hudson, Katie Holmes, Ellen DeGeneres, and Jake Gyllenhaal–lodged complaints against ET after learning of an upcoming report that showed the then-26-year-old actor drinking beer and saying that he "used to smoke five joints a day." Ledger himself, however, does not take drugs in the video. After first refusing, ET eventually agreed–without comment–to cancel the segment, despite the fact that the clip in question is likely to be shown in England soon and is readily available on the Internet.

In an equally moving and respectful show of laziness, I'm not searching YouTube for the Ledger video to embed below.

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