Hope you like comic book cinematic universes, because here comes another one

Every publisher of comic books, during their most fanciful daydreams, probably fantasizes about developing a series of films based on their properties à la the Marvel Cinematic Universe. (DC has a slightly different daydream, one that involves knowing what the hell it’s doing.) But, sadly, not all comics publishers can get nine-figure investments to start making those movies, the way Marvel did. But independent publisher Valiant made this dream come true: according to The Hollywood Reporter, Beijing-based DMG Entertainment has made a nine-figure investment in Valiant for feature film and television financing.

Founded in 1989, Valiant (now Valiant Entertainment) houses such characters and series as Shadowman, Harbinger, Bloodshot, and Archer & Armstrong. Some of these popular properties are already in development as films. As we reported last year, Archer & Armstrong is being put together as a buddy comedy by Valiant’s movie development wing, and Bloodshot was optioned by Neal H. Moritz for Columbia. Brett Ratner had previously been developing a Harbinger movie, but in 2013 the rights reverted to Valiant, allowing Harbinger fans to breathe a deep sigh of relief.

The company will also develop projects specifically for the Asian market, including “Chinese-language publishing, animation and theme parks as well as toys and apparel,” implying that the company doesn’t think an Alabama-based Shadowman theme park would be a roaring success.

While we previously expressed relief that the various Valiant movies seemed to have nothing to do with one another, that’s probably about to change. Current Valiant chairman Peter Cuneo (himself a former Marvel chief executive) has publicly stated his intention to turn the company into “Marvel 2.0,” meaning you should brace yourself for yet another cinematic universe full of overlapping comic book characters. After all, nothing gets people excited like the idea of sitting all the way through the credits of even more comic book movies, just to find out that the Armorines (they’re Marines, but they wear armor!) also suck in movie form.

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