Hot new comyc Wytches to be turned ynto a movye by Brad Pytt

Just a few days after premiering at New York’s Comic-Con, Scott Snyder and Jock’s new comic Wytches has been optioned by New Regency and Brad Pitt’s Plan B Productions for a possible film. The book, which you can preview over at Comic Vine, presents the idea that the titular creatures, rather than being human magicians, are actually bestial, child-snatching monsters of the deep woods who hate being looked at almost as much as they hate the letter “i.” Snyder, an Eisner-award-winning writer, described the creatures to Entertainment Weekly:

“They are bigger than we are, stronger and smarter than we are, and they are gruesome and predatory. So, forget what you think you know. Leave the broomsticks for the kids. No magic, just horror.“

We can only hope that, if the movie is made and the monstrous creatures catch on, the films will follow the Terminator series’ lead in nomenclature. Then the English language can finally be laid to tortured rest when Wytches: Genisys hits theaters.

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