Hot Tub Time Machine sequel may become a thing

Determined not to leave any of its catalog titles alone until they have been thoroughly milked for maximum profits, MGM has begun exploring the possibility of a sequel to Hot Tub Time Machine, Steve Pink’s comedy about the inherent hilarity of the ’80s. Pink is said to be in talks to return alongside stars Craig Robinson, Rob Corddry, and Clark Duke; John Cusack, whose starring role in the original was one of its best meta layers of ’80s referencing, is notably not on that list. Right now those discussions have been characterized as “exploratory,” perhaps owing to the fact that there’s really no reasonable explanation for why these four characters, having already straightened out their lives through time travel, would be so eager to get back in the time-travelin’ hot tub. Perhaps in this film they could use it for global historical concerns, such as traveling back to just before Hitler’s invasion of Poland, then laughing at all the silly Nazi haircuts.

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