Hotel Rwanda screenwriter set for Mother Teresa biopic

Hotel Rwanda screenwriter Keir Pearson is set to pen a new Mother Teresa biopic. According to Deadline, I Thirst is being produced with The Mother Teresa Center, and Pearson—who recently co-wrote a biopic of Cesar Chavez—reportedly plans to complete research trips to India and Mexico before starting work on the script by the end of February. The goal is to begin production at the end of 2014 ahead of a 2015 release date.

I Thirst producer Tony Krantz gave high praise to the screenwriter, saying, “Keir’s presentation and his Oscar-nominated script of Hotel Rwanda and his sensitive script for Chavez made him the perfect choice. I Thirst is the first and only authorized film about the life of Mother Teresa on the big screen. We couldn’t be more excited for this movie about a woman who stood for total commitment, faith, charity and love.”

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