House Of Cards' Corey Stoll joins the colony of Ant-Man

Attracted by the ice cream bowl Edgar Wright didn’t rinse before carelessly leaving out overnight, Corey Stoll has joined the long line of Ant-Men marching toward the Marvel project, combining their super-strength in a way that can vanquish even the most formidable of crumbs. Stoll—best known for his role on House Of Cards, where he played Kevin Spacey’s doomed, manipulated Plant-Man—joins an ensemble that already includes Paul Rudd and Michael Douglas as Ant-Man, Patrick Wilson as Ant-Man, Michael Pena as Ant-Man, and Evangeline Lilly as Aunt Man, with Stoll taking on what we—as always—can only presume is the role of Ant-Man. That is, until Wright finally reveals more details about the film, which remain scant, man.

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