House Of Cards is doing really well on Netflix, not that they have to tell you exactly how well

While the success of House Of Cards can already be measured in the numbers of coworkers staggering wanly into your office on Monday morning, their sunken eyes and puffy, pizza-stained faces telling the story of a binge-watching marathon that they’ve lost the social skills necessary to vocalize, it turns out there are other, more concrete ways to gauge its popularity. Not that Netflix is particularly motivated to share them with you. Just know that its chief content officer Ted Sarandos says that the Kevin Spacey-starring series is currently Netflix’s most-watched TV title, though he has “no motivation” to give you the actual numbers. After all, he says he’s not trying to sell ad space anyway, and also who are you to ask things of Ted Sarandos? You drove a Hyundai to get here tonight; he drove a multi-billion dollar company. Ted Sarandos. That’s his name. Anyway, the show’s popularity—which is only outdone by a few film titles Sarandos also didn’t deign to list for you—obviously offers some intriguing promises for the return of Arrested Development and the much-debated future of distribution models for television, all of them vague.

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