How deep can you make it into this Twitter thread of revolting stadium food?

How deep can you make it into this Twitter thread of revolting stadium food?
Photo: Michael Macor/San Francisco Chronicle

Who else would fork out their right eyeball for a ballpark hotdog right now? Or a beer in a plastic mug bigger than your skull? Goddammit, all we want is to be drunk and rowdy enough again to eat nachos in front of strangers. Hell, we’re so desperate to get back to a stadium that we’d happily gobble up the eldritch abomination in the below post.

“What’s the worst food you have had at a football match?” asks Twitter user @elliotwhu, whose simple query has given way to a string of replies that only the most iron-gutted could withstand. How far can you make it? Most, we imagine, will stop at the kebab that appears to have a literal piece of shit on it—we won’t be posting because we literally can’t tell—but soldier on and you’ll see some meals so disgusting you can’t help but be impressed.

You know, like this gruel-ass, hairball-ass “crab pretzel.”

Or this lonely Lit’l Smokie in the world’s driest bun.

Or this maggot pizza.

Just truly revolting shit. Good god, do we miss it. We’d pay $20 bucks for this droopy-ass hot dog in a hamburger bun about now.

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