How Many Cro-Magnon Jokes Can ABC Fit Into One Trailer?

A few months ago, when America first learned that ABC was going to stretch those Gieco cavemen commericials to fill an entire 30-minute sitcom pilot, it was a time of great confusion. "Why would anyone do this?" we all wondered. "Is this a joke, and if it isn't, could it please be one?" was also a popular question, as was the plaintive, "Seriously?"

People spent entire minutes wallowing in their befuddlement at ABC's decision. "How could that flimsy premise possibly be inflated to support an entire show?" we all thought.

But even amidst the confusion, we could all hold on to one small comfort: The show was just a pilot. A hypothetical. There's no way ABC would actually put that on the air, right?

Wrong. Cavemen is slated for Tuesdays at 8pm next fall.


ABC's website:

Over the last hundred thousand years, mankind has evolved from primitive creatures into the sophisticated beings we are today, with the exception of a small minority who unfortunately didn't physically evolve.

Meet Joel, his younger brother Jamie, and his best friend Nick, three cavemen living in modern-day Atlanta. These cavemen continually find themselves at odds with contemporary society as they struggle to overcome their physical appearance and the accompanying stereotypes.

Basing the show on their popular GEICO "cavemen" commercials, Joe Lawson, Will Speck and Josh Gordon (Blades of Glory ) have created a hilarious and thought-provoking social commentary on race relations in today's America.

There are at least 13 things wrong with that last sentence. "Thought-provoking social commentary on race relations in today's America"? ABC is reaching so far for meaning they must have extendable arms.

There's a clip here. Evidently the answer to "How could that flimsy premise possibly be inflated to support an entire show?" is "With some top-shelf Cro-Magnon humor."

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