How The Snoopy Show tackled the legendary beagle's voice

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If you think about it, Snoopy is a lot like The Fonz. He’s young, handsome, has built an image and an air of mystery based on rumors and scuttlebutt, and looks super cool leaning around. He’s also a dog of few words, only chiming in when absolutely necessary, or to prove a comedic point. And while we might not understand exactly what he’s saying, that doesn’t mean audiences can’t pick up what he’s putting down.

With Apple TV going full bore on Peanuts content in recent months—Snoopy In Space came out in 2019 for the streamer’s launch, and The Snoopy Show is airing now—we thought we’d sit down with the man who voices Snoopy, Terry McGurrin, to talk about how the world’s coolest dog got his signature pipes. (Hint: It’s all about sound manipulation.)

The Snoopy Show is streaming now on Apple TV Plus.

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