How To Convey That Your Show Is A Dramedy
How To Convey That Your Show Is A Dramedy
(as demonstrated by the cast of Ugly Betty in their new promotional photo)
1. First off, come up with a dramatic, yet funny concept. Think "college improv group photo" but even concept-ier: police line-up, old tyme cowboys and saloon girls photo, art gallery but with each cast member holding a picture frame in front of their face, etc. If worse comes to worse, just ask yourself "What would Hollywood, of Mannequin and Mannequin 2: On The Move fame, do?" That's right: he would make a window display!
2. Have approximately 50% of the cast make shocked faces or awkwardly crouch. Shocked and/or awkward crouching = instant drama!
3. Have the entire cast pose so hard like mannequins that their limbs begin to petrify. Posing really hard = instant comedy!
4. Position your star outside the window display (dramatic!) while wearing a dress that looks like a hot pink airbag (funny!), but have her look out at the viewer in the most hammy way possible. Like a kid's entertainer looking out over a crowd of children and asking, "Is anybody out there?!" but hammier. This creates confusion, and confusion is the cornerstone of every great dramedy!
5. Never underestimate the importance of a well-placed, cartoonishly flamboyant gay character. After all, gay characters are sort of the living embodiment of dramedy, because they're sassy and sensitive at the same time!