How To Embody Your Generation's Angsty, Internety Ways

How To Embody Your Generation's Angsty, Internety Ways

1. First off, remove all shoes and socks. It's, like, what are shoes and socks, anyway? They're just another thing to think about when you could be thinking about something else, like your secret crush, or your place in the world, or what the world is, really, you know? Whatevs. Maybe you can vlog about it later.

2. Adopt a floaty, far-off stare that says, "I just made a student loan payment, and it dawned on me that I'll be doing that exact same thing, every month, until I'm 40. Also, Facebook." Instant generational angst.

3. Get a pair of geek glasses. Nothing says, "Quarterlife Crisis" quite like a pair of thick-framed Buddy Holly glasses.

4. Hug your knee to your chest as if it were your only friend, cause, guess what? It kinda is. Do you ever think about stuff like that? I do, even when I'm doing happy things like looking up old Rainbow Brite episodes on YouTube. Mood: introspective.

5. Whatever you do: Don't wash your hair. Angst is both a state-of-mind and a state-of-hair. Also, it's a smell. The smell of dusty scalp and selfishness.

6. When all else fails, put on a hoodie or oversized t-shirt. It's like wrapping yourself in blog. Seriously. Your generation will get it.

Most generational melodramas will only attempt 1 or two of the above in their promotional photos, but, then again, most generational melodramas aren't NBC's new, "this-vlog-is-tearing-us-apart show, Quarterlife. They're trying so hard to be relevant here, you can almost feel the angst emanating in waves from this photograph.

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