How To Subtly Indicate That You Are A Comedian

How To Subtly Indicate That You Are A Comedian

1. Smile so hard you inadvertently grind your back teeth into a fine powder.

2. Come up with a signature hammy, open-mouthed pose. A few suggestions: wild-eyed open-mouth, insanely happy open-mouth, looking off to the side open-mouth, etc.

3. Grip the fellow members of your sketch group with as much force as you possibly can. This indicates unity. Also, the strength of your intra-sketch-group grip is directly proportional to your hilarity.

4. Keep it old school. If rubber chickens, or fake-arrow-through-the-head apparati are unavailable, then just stick out your tongue.

5. Feign the goofiest look of shock/confusion you can muster. Ok. Now make it look as if the corner of your mouth was being pulled by a fish hook. Hold. You are now making the most knee-slappingly hilarious face in human history, and a chorus of guffaws will erupt everywhere you go. (If you're having trouble holding your mouth in the fish-hook position, some fishing line and a well-placed production assistant should help.)

Most comedians will only attempt two or three of these suggestions, and most sketch groups will only try for four. But in the above promo photo, the cast of

Logo's upcoming Big Gay Sketch Show managed to do all five at once. The result? A group of people trying so hard to convey humor, you can practically feel their sweat on your monitor.

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