Hugh Jackman may come along and ride on Shawn Levy's Fantastic Voyage remake

With Fox’s The Wolverine temporarily shelved in the wake of both Darren Aronofsky’s exit and the disaster in Japan, Hugh Jackman is reportedly considering filling his downtime by taking the lead in Shawn Levy’s Fantastic Voyage, thus continuing the blossoming partnership the two recently forged in the robot-boxing ring. As previously reported, Fantastic Voyage—a project about which we’ve long since exhausted all Coolio-related jokes—is the James Cameron-produced remake of the 1966 sort-of classic about scientists who shrink themselves down to nano size in order to enter their colleague’s bloodstream and save his life, and maybe eat some steak with their beans and rice. Okay, so maybe we haven’t quite finished with the Coolio jokes. Anyway, should Jackman agree to be miniaturized, it should at least provide some temporary relief from his Wolverine regimen of ravenously consuming whole chickens, because that shit is probably frowned upon in a tiny spaceship.

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