Hugo Awards definitively prove that Game Of Thrones is better than Doctor Who

Determined to finally shut down as many message board debates as possible, The World Science Fiction Convention gave out its annual Hugo Awards this weekend. The Hugo Awards are arguably the most famous name in science fiction prestige, and unlike most mainstream jock awards and their panels of easily swayed judges, its winners are determined by public voting. That means when the Hugo Awards decide that something is the best thing, it really is the best. Now that we’ve established that it’s pointless to argue with these results—which come via The Telegraphlet’s get on to the winners.

First off, The Red Wedding claimed a few more victims as Game Of Thrones’ “The Rains Of Castamere” took the Best Dramatic Presentation (Short Form) award, beating Orphan Black and all of the big Doctor Who episodes from last year. That includes the anniversary special, Matt Smith’s final episode, and An Adventure In Space And Time. The Best Dramatic Presentation (Long Form) award went to Alfonso Cuarón’s Gravity—defeating fellow nominees Frozen, Pacific Rim, and Iron Man 3but that’s probably because Neil deGrasse Tyson stuffed the ballot box.

The full list of winners is below, and now we can all go on with our lives, possessing the knowledge that Game Of Thrones and Gravity are officially better than Doctor Who and Pacific Rim.

Best novel: Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie

Best novella: Equoid by Charles Stross

Best novelette: The Lady Astronaut of Mars by Mary Robinette Kowal

Best short story: The Water That Falls on You from Nowhere by John Chu

Best related work: We Have Always Fought: Challenging the Women, Cattle and Slaves Narrative by Kameron Hurley (A Dribble of Ink)

Best graphic story: Time by Randall Munroe

Best dramatic presentation (long form): Gravity written by Alfonso Cuarón and Jonás Cuarón, directed by Alfonso Cuarón

Best dramatic presentation (short form): Game of Thrones: “The Rains of Castamere” written by David Benioff and DB Weiss, directed by David Nutter

Best editor (short form): Ellen Datlow

Best editor (long form): Ginjer Buchanan

Best professional artist: Julie Dillon

Best semi-pro zine: Lightspeed Magazine edited by John Joseph Adams, Rich Horton, and Stefan Rudnicki

Best fanzine: A Dribble of Ink edited by Aidan Moher

Best fancast: SF Signal Podcast, Patrick Hester

Best fan writer: Kameron Hurley

Best fan artist: Sarah Webb

John W Campbell award for best new writer: Sofia Samatar

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