Hulu saves Community season 6, adds Underground and Rescue Me

According to Variety, Hulu has heroically stepped in and rescued season six of Community from the claw-like grasp of Yahoo, finally making it available to people who lacked the patience or technical wizardry required to get it working on the now-obsolete Yahoo Screen streaming service. This means Hulu (and only Hulu) now features the complete run of the series, from the early years where the campus was full of extras and Joel McHale’s hair looked a little different to the later years where Ice Cube Head got all of the good jokes and every dead character was resurrected as a hologram. Season six of Community will be available to stream later this month.

That acquisition comes as part of a new licensing agreement between Hulu and Sony Pictures Television, which is also giving the streaming service every episode of Denis Leary’s occasionally excellent firefighter show Rescue Me as well as the exclusive streaming rights to WGN America’s Underground and Outsiders. Like Community, Rescue Me will be available later this month, but all episodes of Underground and Outsiders are available now. Future episodes of those two shows will be streamable eight days after they air their season finales on normal TV.

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