I Think I Do

I Think I Do

While the gay and sexually ambiguous characters in the screwball comedy I Think I Do allow potential romantic hook-ups to expand exponentially, they unfortunately don't let the low-budget film break out of the boring romantic-comedy box. Alexis Arquette (yes, another one) has a crush on his college roommate (Christian Maelen). In their last year of college, Arquette and his apparently straight buddy have a falling-out, and the two aren't reunited until that hoariest of romantic comedy clichés raises its familiar head: Old college chums Lauren Velez and Jamie Harrold are getting married, and the whole college crew will be in D.C. for the wedding! Arquette shows up with his sweet, if prissy, soap-opera-actor boyfriend (Tuc Watkins); Maelen, acting somewhat…different, shows up with old housemate Guillermo Diaz; and the others (Maddie Corman and Marianne Hagan) show up to get laid. So, take out your pen and paper: Will Arquette end up with his unrequited love Maelen? Or will he end up with Watkins? For that matter, what if Maelen actually ends up with old flame Hagan? And will Diaz end up with crush-struck Corman, wild-card Maelen, or the bride's younger sister? Bonus points to whoever figures it out before the movie starts. While I Think I Do does have its slight charms, the film is poorly acted, poorly directed, and poorly written, and the protracted who's-gonna-do-it? plot gets old early on. There's plenty of screwing around here, but screwball this is not.

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