Ice-T joins in our collective bemusement at the MAGA Trapt guy's ongoing Twitter meltdown

Ice-T joins in our collective bemusement at the MAGA Trapt guy's ongoing Twitter meltdown
Photo: SOPA Images

Nobody, except maybe @dril, is better at Twitter than Ice-T, the musician, actor, podcaster, and author who regularly tweets about video games, good nuts, bagels, and the Dumb Fucks for whom he has no patience, often with a photo of him looking effortlessly chill attached for good measure. But nobody’s as terrifyingly relentless at Twitter as the guy behind the account for nü-metal has-beens Trapt—we will call him Trapt—who is still rage-posting more than a month after we first chronicled his MAGA-fueled meltdown. It was only a matter of time before these two crossed paths, and the results are as good as you’d expect.

It’s hard to pinpoint how, exactly, this all started, considering the dude behind “Headstrong” is apparently never not tweeting, but it appears that, on April 14, T got annoyed with Trapt flooding his mentions with talk of his Pandora streams—a common refrain—and told him to “keep talkin” and that they’d “bump into each other one day.”

Trapt continued to fill his diapers after T tweeted about one how shouldn’t confuse popularity with respect. This likely hurt Trapt’s feelings, given that, while they were once popular, they were never respected.

T, echoing the most blessed among us, replied by saying he has “no Fn idea who you are.”

Meanwhile, Trapt picked auxiliary fights with hardcore singers Danny Diablo and Power Trip‘s Riley Gale in T’s mentions, resulting in talk of (checks notes) bareknuckle boxing matches. “You started ALL of this shit!” says the lunatic whose been sweatily shrieking in T’s mentions for a full week. “I will defend my honor! To the fucking death!” (At least he’s no longer shoving people in garbage cans?)

See T’s subsequent bemusement (and concern, which is warranted) below.

But, lest we forget this is Ice-T we’re dealing with, he capped it off with the below tweet, a reminder that this is the guy who terrified a nation with “Cop Killer.”

But Ice-T is chiller now than he was then, a man who stands with everyone, from the gamers to the Juggalos to, yes, the washed-up hardcore vocalists. He knows that what happens online only happens online, asserting that, for him, “this shit is Light work… Just people talking shit. I won’t argue online. I prefer that face to face action. Then we can see what it is.”

The Trapt guy, meanwhile, is threatening legal action because people, including Talib Kweli, are saying he shit his pants onstage once.

As for T, he’s since retreated, content to let the internet’s petty squabbles unfold without him.

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