Ice-T's never eaten a bagel and doesn't give a fuck if that bothers you

Now that Ice-T has clarified that he is not, as many have posited, the mind behind @dril, we’ve been free to take the rapper and actor’s online musings at face value. It’s not a bit when Ice-T chronicles his gaming obsession, celebrates a good nut, or chides the Dumb Fucks; it’s simply the unfiltered musings of a man who gives not a solitary fuck. As such, his followers love to ask him questions, some of which he’ll actually respond to. Earlier today, the topic of Ice-T’s favorite bagel arose, and his answer has ruffled Twitter’s blue feathers something awful.

“Lol,” he wrote. “I’ve never eaten a Bagel in my life…” When confronted with an episode of SVU where he apparently ate a cinnamon raison bagel, Ice-T offered up this perfect reply:

“Lol,” he wrote, making sure to emphasize yet again how funny he finds our concerns about his favorite bagel. “TV is make believe.”

As of this writing, more than 400 people have replied to his initial tweet, his bagel ambivalence sparking more outrage than “Cop Killer” ever did. As the replies poured in, T embarked upon a hilarious chain of replies, the likes of which find him calling multiple people “dumbfucks,” threatening to hit that block button, revealing his love for jelly doughnuts, and, in the middle of the fracas, posting the below photo.

He also says he’s never had a cup of coffee and hasn’t seen E.T., should this bagel revelation fail to send you hurtling into his replies. Just be prepared to get your ass handed to you if you do so.

[via Page Six]

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