If The Girl From Fresh Prince Thinks We Can
It's very difficult to pinpoint exactly why certain people vote for certain candidates. The decision-making process is always a cloudy calculus of personal opinions, emotions, and impressions that can range from decidedly shallow ("His/her smile is weird. I don't trust it.") to more concrete and level-headed ("I agree with his/her health care proposal.")
So, surely there is a person out there somewhere whose choice of candidate is based on a murky matrix of personal thoughts that includes, "Well, if Tatyana Ali from The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air is going for him, so will I."
At least, now there probably is, thanks to this new Obama video by Wil.i.am:
I'm sure that Wil.i.am intended for this video to inspire thoughts like, "Wow. Yes we can," and "Change is possible." But instead it inspired thoughts like, "Is that Claire's boyfriend who died on Six Feet Under?" "The guy from October Road can play guitar?" "Why is Nick Cannon always everywhere?" "Whatever happened to a simple round of 'Kumbaya?'", and "Can you stop trilling for five seconds so I can hear what Obama's trying to say?"
Still, it's good to see that Scarlett Johansson can act like a real singer. She has those big headphones on her ears and everything.