If theaters close forever, we have enough terrible superhero fan films to last us for years

If theaters close forever, we have enough terrible superhero fan films to last us for years
Screenshot: ThrowbackStudioz

There are more than enough lavishly produced superhero movies out there already. What audiences need isn’t another focus tested Marvel blockbuster, the sharp edges of any personality sanded off to appeal to the widest possible market. What we need are tremendously goofy-looking fan films, created by people whose creative visions are as grand as their capacities for embarrassment are tiny.

Thanks to Doug Tilley, who’s been compiling a “mixtape” of superhero fan film clips on Twitter perfect for any genre novice, it’s never been easier to get yourself cultured.

The real star of Tilley’s film festival is definitely X-Men: Beware The Juggernaut, a fan film from ThrowbackStudioz that features prominently in the list for good reason.

For those who don’t have the time to take in all 20 minutes right now, Tilley’s extracted a few worthwhile clips showing the mutant team in action. Watch as Beast, wearing his trademark costume of a black hoodie and Halloween store wig, counsels Professor X from an office chair.

Lest you confuse it for a drama, the film also includes pulse-pounding action scenes like the one below where Wolverine, hair nearly dripping with gel, throws down against a version of Juggernaut dressed in what looks like a back brace and loose-fitting garbage can lid on his head. (Stick around for the movie’s climatic battle scene to see how this cliffhanger’s resolved.)

There are plenty of others where this came from. Instead of waiting around for that new Batman movie to come out, just enjoy some amateur filmmakers capturing the character’s moody essence in clips like these.

There are fan films for those still disappointed that the Fantastic Four movies haven’t been great …

… and a Justice League clip that preemptively makes the “Snyder Cut” obsolete.

And, while fans waste years dreaming of superhero crossovers that the studio system may never create, the amateurs are just out there making them happen on their own.

Tremble in fear, Disney and Warner Bros. Your dominion over the superhero film is coming to an end as viewers around the world realize that they no longer need you—that a bunch of people with a few dollars in their pockets and a handful of friends with no concern for their self-image are way, way more entertaining.

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