If Ticketmaster ripped you off in the past 12 years, you could have $1.50 coming your way

Thanks to a class action lawsuit filed in 2003 and finally due to to be settled in May, millions of Ticketmaster customers could be owed a settlement from the corporate concert ticket broker. Anyone who ordered tickets from Ticketmaster between Oct. 21, 1999 and Oct. 19, 2011—if you go to concerts at all, that probably means you—can claim a piece of the settlement for up to 17 orders a piece. At issue is the company's processing fees, which Ticketmaster added without informing customers. Because Ticketmaster ripped off so many people, each customer will only get $1.50 per order, and it will come in the form of Ticketmaster credit. (Those who had tickets shipped via UPS will get an extra $5.) You can find more information on the settlement here. [via Spin]

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