If your name is "Cyrus" (and you're in L.A.), Jonah Hill invites you to see Cyrus for free

If you're among the estimated 10,842 people in the U.S. fortunate enough to be named "Cyrus," you live in Los Angeles, and you enjoy awkward romantic comedies, co-star Jonah Hill invites you to see Cyrus for free this Saturday. Hill will host a special screening at the 20th Century Fox studio lot, reserved exclusively for anyone in the L.A. area who can bring photo I.D. proving that they’re an “actual Cyrus,” as opposed to someone who just adopted the name in order to get laid by Jonah Hill fans, we guess. You also get a free “Cyrus” T-shirt (but if your name is something as awesome as “Cyrus,” you probably already have one of those). To RSVP, e-mail [email protected] with your first and last name in the subject line.

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