If you've longed to see a hatchet lodged in Mario's head, boy does Nintendo have a treat for you

If you've longed to see a hatchet lodged in Mario's head, boy does Nintendo have a treat for you

Intellectual property either dies ignominiously or lives enough to see itself turned into a porn parody. Or, if you’re Mario, your lovable, kid-friendly reputation is sullied by the internet’s unnecessary reveal of his dick and nipples. Well, it doesn’t end there.

Finish the main story of Nintendo’s Super Mario Odyssey and you’ll be treated to a new outfit, one in which Mario’s eyeballs have turned a milky, uniform shade of white and his head split open with a goddamned axe. Christ, what Communist did he piss off?

The sight of a dead Mario was enough to send several Nintendo fans over the edge, as Twitter’s become overwhelmed with expressions of dismay and questions of just what led to the brutal dismantling of their buoyant, ever-chipper childhood companion.

At this rate, the next trip inside Luigi’s Mansion is gonna be rated a hard M.

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