IFC strikes a deal with Criterion

Fans of arthouse cinema and The Criterion Collection couldn't help but notice that the company has been putting out more contemporary titles than usual lately—especially this November, when Criterion will be releasing editions of recent festival faves Gomorroah and A Christmas Tale. It turns out that the uptick in new-ish movies is no coincidence; according to Variety, Criterion has partnered with IFC to give some of the indie distributor's pick-ups the prestige treatment on home video. Though no official release dates have been announced yet, the Criterion/IFC alliance will be giving cinephiles Stephen Soderbergh's Che in December, and then the likes of Summer Hours and Still Walking in early '10. With actual arthouses in decline across the U.S., it's encouraging to know that some of the best recent foreign and Amerindie fare will be available in well-assembled editions on DVD and Blu-ray.

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