Illustrations transform real-world objects into adorable art

Here’s a thing that’s equal parts twee, charming, and—at times—darkly funny: Real Life Lines. Started by illustrator Charly Clements, the parameters of the project are simple. Clements draws a few basic illustrations and adds a couple of lines of text to a photo of a real-world object. She then documents her surprisingly human work on her reallifelines Instagram account:

It’s a natural continuation of Clements’ illustration work, which frequently features anthropomorphized objects. But the real-word connection really steps up the whimsy.

Although the drawings look adorable, Clements lets her darker sense of humor shine through on many of them.

All in all, it seems like that live-action Beauty And The Beast really should have called her when they were trying to figure out how to anthropomorphize a clock and candelabra.

[via Laughing Squid]

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