In just 29 seconds, Parry Gripp captures the essence of a skateboarding dachshund

In just 29 seconds, Parry Gripp captures the essence of a skateboarding dachshund

In Hear This, A.V. Club writers sing the praises of songs they know well—some inspired by a weekly theme and some not, but always songs worth hearing. This week, we asked, “What’s your favorite song that originated on the Internet?”

I have a lot of favorite Internet ditties, from the Jurassic Park melodica cut to, shamefully, “The Hamster Dance Song,” but I think I’d have to go with Parry Gripp’s “Wiener Dog Riding Skateboard” as my all-time favorite. I don’t know that it’s the best song that’s ever existed, even among meme songs, but there’s something about the former Nerf Herder frontman’s lyrics that just keep me coming back. I’m not a dachshund fan, but like Gripp, I’ve often wondered, “How did [they] get so long?” I also share Gripp’s admiration for and love of the wiener dog “riding on [his] skateboard” in the accompanying video, which is simultaneously stupid and perfect. Gripp’s made a quasi-career recently out of writing throwaway meme cuts, but he does it so well that he can’t be faulted. “Wiener Dog Riding Skateboard,” doesn’t even come close to being Gripp’s most popular video (that would be “Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom,” which has over 20 million views), but it’s 29 seconds of sugary-sweet pop perfection, and that’s good enough for me.

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