Incredibles 2 adds strobe light warning after shockingly polite Twitter protest

Somehow, the story of the Pokémon episode that sent hundreds of Japanese children to the emergency room back in 1997 missed the animation aficionados at Pixar. As was pointed out—and soon addressed by Disney—in a shockingly civil fan campaign on Twitter over the weekend, among the techniques employed by The Incredibles 2 villain The Screen Slaver are rapidly flashing lights—an effect that can trigger seizures in the photosensitive when displayed at the right frequency as well as migraines, vertigo, and assorted negative reactions from those who suffer from autism and PTSD, as well as the vision impaired. It’s the reason you see warning signs posted in haunted houses and laser tag arenas and whatnot.

A vision-impaired woman named Veronica Lewis first pointed out the phenomenon on Friday in an extremely polite Twitter thread that quickly went viral:

Now, Disney says it’ll do just that, and has asked theaters showing the massively popular animated film to post signs warning patrons of the potential neurological perils within. We say “potential” because as of this writing, no incidents have been reported involving the film. But if you’ve ever been in a public place and seen someone having an epileptic seizure—or, of course, if you or a loved one suffers from the condition—you know it’s better to be safe than sorry.

[via Variety]

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