

It's about time someone made a movie about physicist and genius Richard Feynman, and the love story that defined his life in the 1940s. While Feynman was working with the Manhattan Project in Los Alamos, his beloved wife lay dying of lymphatic tuberculosis in an Albuquerque hospital. Matthew Broderick does a competent job portraying Feynman, and this is his least annoying performance ever. Infinity is also Broderick's directorial debut and, while not spectacular, the movie is a good, quirky, genuinely moving love story. Instead of dwelling on the obvious, grandiose events of love, death and building the bomb, Broderick went small; Feynman plays silly domestic games, screws around with his teenage lab assistants, and becomes frustrated when his wife (played adequately by Patricia Arquette) wants a dress he can't afford. It's a nice, human little romantic tragedy, a definition which might explain its lack of big-screen success. But saps, scientific or otherwise, will enjoy it.

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