
Insecure’s penultimate episode features a tense reunion

Exes, edibles, and envy reign in the Prentice Penny-directed “Out, Okay?!”

Insecure’s penultimate episode features a tense reunion

Jay Ellis Photo: Merie Wallace/HBO

Well, all of that finally happened. With two episodes left, I wondered when Insecure would start getting to the confrontations that needed to happen this season. “Out, Okay?!” does just that: it gets everything out and into the open. Things that have been simmering deep burst to the surface. Issa’s doubts about Nathan. Lawrence’s feelings for Issa. These were all things we knew as viewers, but now Issa has to face these realities.

Prentice Penny is a master at penultimate episodes when it comes to Insecure. This is, in fact, his fourth for the series (he took a break last season to write and direct the finale instead). “Out, Okay?!” absolutely ranks as one of his best works. It’s the celebration and clash the show has needed for some time. But, that’s just the thing: time is the only thing that keeps “Out, Okay?!” from being a perfect episode. There’s only one episode left, how are we just getting all of this now? Did we need to spend time this season with Nathan’s cousin when all we really needed to see was how out of place Nathan is in Issa’s world? Probably not.

If Insecure was coming back, “Out, Okay?!” would serve as a perfect set up for a new season. As it stands, I wish we’d seen this episode earlier. Even though a lot of these current dynamics make sense, some still feel rushed while others feel fully fleshed out. I’ve liked Molly and Taurean together since they became a thing, but Penny’s script has to rely on edibles to get either of them in a state where it makes sense that they’d share so much so quickly. Does it work? Absolutely! Yvonne Orji and Leonard Robinson are hilarious and work wonderfully off of each other.

It starts when Molly finds out Taurean was offered partner. The old Molly would’ve been jealous and probably would’ve made a sarcastic remark. The new Molly? She can’t help but pull Taurean into a group hug and congratulate him. When Molly and Taurean get to the party, she immediately senses that something is off and takes him aside to check in. It’s hard to imagine Molly doing the same for someone like, say, Jared. If one of Molly’s past partners felt uncomfortable in a social situation like that, Molly probably would’ve roasted him with Issa later about how he brought a trash present. Instead, Taurean and Molly get closer through the magic of marijuana.

And, boy, are those some magical edibles. Look, I’m a bit of a weedsman, so it’s hard to imagine two Californians that gone off of one edible each, but I believe in the magic of romance. Also, they were drinking. Either way, it pays off with the shots of Orji demolishing appetizers. It’s a credit to the season’s writers, Orji, and Robinson that they’ve managed to pull off such an impressive love story so quickly. Any other season, it would seem like a red flag if Molly was this open so early in a relationship, but I was rooting for her to be vulnerable with Taurean. It helps that he didn’t appear out of thin air; their dynamic feels organic to the show. It’s usually difficult for shows to pull off the “minor character to love interest”-switch up.

Sadly, the love triangle between Issa, Nathan and Lawrence doesn’t play as well. Watching Nathan and Issa shop for apartments doesn’t even feel right. It’s never made sense for Issa to tease this relationship out. Nathan doesn’t fit into her world, but he only sees that now when he’s surrounded by Issa’s male friends. Even their costume dynamics clash with Issa wearing bright, vibrant colors that feel loud next to Nathan’s usual beige or cool colors (at the party and when they look at the apartment). Then there’s Lawrence, a gray area in a gray sweater with his heart out in the open.

Does it totally make sense that Lawrence would confront Issa at this party? Right now? No. He didn’t even want to go until Chad told him he should. But, there’s only one episode left so Lawrence has to do this now. If we’re supposed to like Lawrence and Issa together, this doesn’t help, in my opinion. Lawrence has fought for Issa, that’s how they got back together last season. This sudden declaration feels more territorial. It feels more like he wants to show Nathan he does fit into Issa’s world. If he wanted to genuinely talk to Issa, he could’ve gone about it a different way entirely.

There’s also the whole Condola-aspect of it. Lawrence arrives with his babymomma, so it’s not like he was planning on talking to Issa because of Chad’s pep talk. It was Nathan’s defense of Houston barbecue that set Lawrence off. Oh, and finding out Nathan and Issa are moving in together. Still, was he just hoping Condola would leave early so he could say something? It’s odd that Condola just doesn’t come up when Lawrence is with Chad. Does Condola still have feelings for Lawrence? Have the two agreed to date other people and co-parent? It makes it easy to paint Condola as a shady, awkward character, yet she didn’t do anything this week but feed her baby and go home. What are we supposed to take from Condola’s involvement here? It feels like she was just there to remind Lawrence that it’s the last time he’d see everyone for awhile. But… Lawrence lives in the same city as Issa now so… he could definitely schedule a talk for another time.

But, despite all the chaos and appearances from exes past (did we all gasp when Dro appeared?), the episode ends on Issa. Alone. The struggle she’s had inside is now manifesting in real life with incredibly weak shots between Lawrence and Nathan. In the end, the only person who can end this is Issa and it doesn’t feel like we have nearly enough time left with her.

Stray Observations

  • For years, fans have debated whether Dro was actually in an open relationship or not. I feel like they put that to bed tonight. Dro and his wife are divorced, they were open, Molly and Dro are still friends. The end. I am glad they addressed it. There was a lot of fan service this episode, but honestly? We deserve it! Prentice is known for talking about fan theories on Twitter, it’s perfect he has a cameo this week and gives us a little nod.
  • Damn, Tiffany should’ve just invited Daniel since she wanted to get so messy with the guest list.
  • What does Nathan have to consolidate with Issa? A milkcrate?
  • Taurean, bringing edibles to a party? King of my heart. Asking why it was so tense? Trying to order food? He’s perfect.
  • Issa’s brother gets a little time with a speedy introduction to a new beau.
  • The girls’ side group is so much more harmonious and supportive than the guys’ group.
  • Lawrence talking about “Are you happy?” Man, go change a diaper.
  • Natasha Rothwell really smacked Yvonne Orji.
  • Let’s compare the confrontation between Dro, Taurean, and Molly vs. Lawrence, Issa, and Nathan. Edibles might’ve saved Issa.
  • Bludso’s is not that good. Texas barbecue is better than LA’s. Neither of these men is good enough for Issa. Thank you.

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