Introducing A.V. Club Live, our daily Facebook Live chat show

Loyal A.V. Club readers may have noticed we’ve been doing a lot more Facebook Lives lately. That’s for two reasons. First, we like doing them. They let us talk to you guys directly, and they get us away from our desks for a little bit each day. Second, we’ve been prepping for the launch of A.V. Club Live, our brand new daily Facebook Live chat show, which just happens to be premiering today.

Each weekday at 10:30 a.m. central—that’s 11:30 eastern and 8:30 Pacific—we’ll be broadcasting our morning chat show live from Onion, Inc. and bringing you the best and smartest reporting on news, TV, film, and how to eat hot dogs really quickly, sometimes all in the same episode. (Seriously. Watch Friday’s show.) You can watch live on our Facebook feed, or via a new article we’ll post here each day, or you can catch up after the fact. The videos are archived on both pages, so think of it like a digital DVR.

Either way, we hope you’ll check out A.V. Club Live. We’ve put a lot of work into it, and we think it’s something special. It’s also a work in progress, so it’ll keep growing and changing as we move further into it, and we’re excited to see both what it is today and what it is weeks, months, and years from now.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for watching.

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