Inventory: The Book: The Events

Inventory: The Book: The Events

Hello A.V. Club land! As you may know, we will be releasing (well, Scribner will be releasing) our new book next month—October 13 to be exact. In order to celebrate this solemn occasion, we will be traveling the middle-western states by car to present passages from the book (and other things) in a live setting. If you'd like, we will also scribble our names in the book for you and very likely blush while doing so. Also: There will be question time.

The book is called Inventory: 16 Films Featuring Manic Pixie Dream Girls, 10 Great Songs Nearly Ruined By Saxophone, And 100 More Obsessively Specific Pop-Culture Lists. Though you may recognize those two inventories, we can assure you that 85% of the book is new material, including lists written by awesome special guests like Patton Oswalt, John Hodgman, and P.T. Anderson. There's a whole mini-site here that will offer you more information and links. So where and when will you be able to visit us in person? That information is below.


Borders, 2817 N. Clark St., 7pm

Phipps, Robinson, Modell, Koski, Ryan, Wolinsky, Rabin, Tobias, Zulkey, Heisler…and special guest Noel Murray, all the way from Conway, AR! And after this event, we'll be convening to a nearby bar to hobnob and offer up (hopefully) free beer. Details TBA.


Borders, 3750 University Ave., 7pm

That whole crew, minus Mr. Murray, plus Scott Gordon.


Boswell Book Co., 2559 N. Downer Ave., 7pm

Same crew, but probably no Gordo and adding Mr. Steve Hyden.


The Book Cellar, 4736 N. Lincoln Ave., 7pm

Chicago posse. No Noel, but we'll do something different than at the Borders event in Chicago, so you should really come to both. Plus, you can buy cookies at Book Cellar.

So please join us, won't you?

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