Inventory: the most important book trailer ever (and party details!)

Inventory: the most important book trailer ever (and party details!)

As you may have heard, we're putting out a book. As you may also be aware, publishers have taken to creating "book trailers" for their releases—basically short commercials intended to grab readers that have been raised on TV. Here at The A.V. Club, we don't take such things lightly, which is why we (well, mostly intrepid video jockey Hassan Ali) decided to create the most important book trailer ever made for Inventory (in stores October 13! Pre-order here!).

Before we blow your minds, though, let me unleash this beast: The first Chicago event celebrating Inventory's release—October 13 at Borders on Clark, 7pm—just got even better: After the event, we shall all retire to Crossroads Public House, just down the street at 2630 N. Clark, to partake in free libations and hang time. If you're 21+, you're invited. (All ages can come to Borders, of course.) It wouldn't hurt to RSVP via e-mail, but we probably won't turn you away in any case. Other book events, in case you missed them: Borders on University in Madison (October 15), Boswell Books in Milwaukee (October 20), The Book Cellar in Chicago (October 28). And hopefully more to come. Now, on to that video. Please feel free to twitter it or whatever it is you kids do these days.

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