Iranian filmmaker Jafar Panahi reportedly arrested

Multiple sources are reporting this morning that acclaimed Iranian filmmaker Jafar Panahi was arrested earlier today in Tehran, along with his wife and daughter, while they participated in public mourning for slain election protestors. Panahi's films include The White Balloon, Crimson Gold and Offside—three of world cinema's best over the past 15 years. If you're unfamiliar with his work—and you have a Netflix "Watch Instantly" account—consider watching the documentary Iran: A Cinematographic Revolution, which covers the ways Panahi and his contemporaries have thrived creatively and helped change the image of Iran worldwide, while dealing with state censors who often won't let their films be shown at home. Here's hoping Panahi and his family—and the rest of the mourners—are released soon.

Hat tip: The Auteurs' Twitter feed.

Update! I read a one-line note on Twitter a few hours ago that said Panahi had been released, but I've been unable to find confirmation anywhere. I'll update the update when I know for sure.

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