Iron Man 3 almost had a sex tape subplot, somehow did not have a sex tape subplot

While the debate remains bitterly divided over what Iron Man 3 was missing and why anyone who believes that Iron Man 3 was missing anything is a hypercritical snob who should be shunned from polite society and/or the Internet, we can likely all agree on one thing: It was missing a sex tape, because there wasn’t a sex tape. But as director Shane Black and writer Drew Pearce discussed in a spoiler-heavy podcast for Empire, there once was a sex tape that factored into Iron Man 3, only to be cut from the screenplay draft for reasons unknown, but which we’ll attribute to pressures from Marvel to save it for The Avengers sequel.

Black explains, “Pepper, in one draft, slept with [Aldrich] Killian because he was so pheromonally enhanced with this Extremis that she couldn’t resist him. And she was angry with Tony, and so she sleeps with Killian, and then he makes a sex tape and broadcasts it in Home Depot.” Indeed, that would have made for a very different film and place to broadcast your sex tape—one that may have run afoul of the corporate overlords at Disney and the nation’s largest retailer for improving your home with sex tapes, but definitely would have united us all in agreement that, yep, Iron Man 3 had a sex tape. [via IndieWire]

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