Is it time for the dragons on Game Of Thrones to actually do something?

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DVR Club is back on a post-Game Of Thrones Monday with our Thrones-loving duo of Katie Rife and John Teti. John is cranky after last night’s episode, which he says was too busy knocking on doors instead of knocking heads. But Katie’s not so down on “The House Of Black And White,” and she pushes back specifically against John’s dragon fatigue, shrewdly appealing to his love of cats. She also schools John on the reasoning behind that quaint voting contraption that the Night’s Watch uses to elect its leader—never forget that the Watch is a bunch of thieves and scoundrels, John.

For more Thrones analysis, be sure to peruse at least half of our double-barreled review coverage of “The House Of Black And White.” There’s Erik Adams’ review for newbies, and there’s also Myles McNutt’s “experts” review for those who have read the books.

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