It’s been a long day, you’ve earned this video of Patrick Stewart meeting his new foster dog

Even beyond his role as a cultural institution, playing some of science fiction’s most beloved bald men, Patrick Stewart tends to be just as treasured off-screen as on. Speaking out vocally in favor of feminism and LGBT rights, performing country songs for charity, telling Hugh Jackman stories about his penis: Stewart is always doing stuff that seems custom-designed to make people say “Aw.”

The X-Men actor may have outdone himself this week, though, when he posted the above tweet, welcoming his new foster dog Ginger into his home. We don’t want to belabor the point too much, but this is an internet video that combines a cute fostered pitbull and Patrick Stewart speaking in his most gentle, delighted voice, and thus represents the internet’s current stockpile of peak cute.

And here’s a follow-up of Stewart and Ginger hanging out by the actor’s pool:

[via The Daily Dot]

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