It’s not your spider-sense acting up, the Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer leaked

Sony is reportedly working their webbing to the bone to take down copies on social media

It’s not your spider-sense acting up, the Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer leaked
Tom Holland in Spider-Man: Far From Home Photo: Sony

Spider-Man: No Way Home is still a few months away, but fans are getting an early taste of those sweet, sweet Spidey legs. (Mmmm…spider legs). According to the Hollywood Reporter, the trailer for the upcoming Spider-Man movie leaked on social media earlier today, and Sony is trying really, very, quite hard actually to take copies down. (*Points thumb at previous sentence* Now, that’s what I call web crawling.) Most versions that were available earlier now feature the dreaded: “The media has been disabled in response to a report from the copyright owner.” Of course, as the trailer trended on Twitter, those rascally spoiler-hungry (and spider-leg hungry) fans kept sharing it across their network. It’s a whack-a-mole situation that could benefit from Spider-Man’s speed and intellect. Alas.

Of course, this level of corporate fuck up can’t be made without the inevitable meme, which hones in on the punishment for said fuck up. So if you’re into jokes about Kevin Feige yelling at or exacting revenge on the person who leaked the trailer, then Twitter’s the place for you.

Before you ask, no, we won’t be sharing the trailer here. Isn’t it enough that we alerted you to its existence? But based on reports, the trailer does feature—and Marvel fans, you’re going to want to sit down for this one—Tom Holland in the role of Spider-Man. It also, according to Complex, “appears to be recorded off a phone with an enormous watermark—of what seems to be someone’s name—pasted over it” and “it looks to be unfinished and sent via an Instagram DM.” Eh, maybe it’s worth it to wait for the real thing.

In addition to being the fourth Marvel movie release this year, Spider-Man: No Way Home is also the one most speculated about, with numerous rumors and casting announcements circulating about which Spider-Man veteran will pop up in the movie. Thus far, Sony and Marvel have done a pretty good job of keeping us in the dark, so who knows, maybe Sony is playing a little fourth-dimensional chess. Probably not. But maybe…

Spider-Man: No Way Home swings into theaters on December 17.

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