It’s Rumor Time: Daniel Craig is back as James Bond

British thespian and renowned lack-of-fucks giver Daniel Craig has been very vocal about his desire to be done with the role of James Bond. Despite reports that he was being offered $150 million to sign on for two more films, Craig has stressed that playing the world’s most famous spy is just not really his spot of tea any more. “I’d rather break this glass and slash my wrists,” was how he delicately put it when Spectre came out. But he also made a point of saying that if he did return, it would be “for the money.” Looks like someone backed up the Brinks truck, because The New York Times reports Craig will return as James Bond.

The newspaper says that the actor will play Bond in at least one more film, which we learned yesterday is set to come out in November 2019. However, neither the studio nor Craig’s publicists are confirming anything yet, so this is still just rumor. But the Times’ two sources both reportedly say, “It’s a done deal.” If and when Craig completes the next movie, it would officially make him the longest-running actor in history to portray James Bond. Not that he would give a fuck, of course.

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