It’s time we does the tell of the Mad Max: Fury Road trailer

Times past count I done the Tell. But it weren’t me that tumbled the first trailer for Mad Max: Fury Road, it was San Diego Comic-Con. And this ain’t one body’s story; it’s the story of us all. We got it Tweet-to-Tweet. You got to look it and ‘member, ‘cause what you sees today you got to tell the birthed tomorrow.

I’m looking behind us now, across the count of time, down the long haul, into the early 2000s. I sees the end what were the start. It’s the much-delayed production of Mad Max: Fury Road, full of pain. And out of it were birthed crackling CGI dust and fearsome practical effects shots. It were full-on development hell, and Mr. Debt chasing them all. But one he couldn’t catch.

That were George Miller. He gathers up a cast and crew, takes to the desert and films! So they left their homes, said bidey-bye to the high-scrapers, and what were left of the knowing, they left behind.

Time counts and keeps counting. They gets missing what they had, and they does the pictures so they’d ‘member all the knowing that they lost. ‘Member this? Desert chases! ‘Member this? Handheld shots framed from the sideboard! ‘Member this? Max Rockatansky—but this time played by Tom Hardy!  ‘Member this? Doctor Miller! ‘Member this? Charlize Theron with a robot arm!

Then Doctor Miller picked them for the great leaving. And from the nothing they looked back, and Doctor Miller hollered, “Wait, it’s coming May 15, 2015.”

And a trailer did come. Miller! We’s heartful to you, Doctor Miller. We’s ready now. Take us home. We kept it straight! Everything marked, everything ‘membered! You kept it real good. You ain’t been slack.

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