It Took The L Word 5 Seasons To Show Lesbian Turkish Oil Wrestling

It Took The L Word 5 Seasons To Show Lesbian Turkish Oil Wrestling

In case you (mercifully) never started watching it, or (wisely) abandoned it around the time the Betty theme song happened, allow me to sketch out for you the evolution of The L Word: In Seasons 1 and 2, it was a sincere, straight-faced, though increasingly ridiculous lesbian soap opera. In Season 3 the show turned into a lesbian melodrama that was written on a Tilt-a-Whirl made out of stupidity, and by Season 4 the show and drama had, in effect, died but yet episodes still managed to hobble on air. Now, in Season 5, the show is basically a comedy, which is I guess what happens when TV writers look around and realize all the characters and situations they've created are cartoons.

Anyway, on Sunday night, to celebrate its new, comedic self-awareness, The L Word featured both its first sharp, somewhat funny joke ("You're like the Fonz of lesbians, right?"), and lesbian Turkish oil wrestling.

To put that clip in perspective, here's a list of things that happened on The L Word before it got around to Turkish oil wrestling:

—Goth carnival/childhood incest memories

—A mutual masturbation scene involving a cruise ship jacuzzi and one of the members of Betty

—Multiple prison hook-ups

—A prison shower scene that included both the phrase "don't drop the soap" as well as the dropping of said soap.

—At least one sensual use of a toilet

—Theraputic construction of dioramas

—More sex scenes in a stylist's chair than you can count.

In short, I think "lesbian Turkish oil wrestling" should replace "jump the shark" in the pop cultural lexicon. As in, "When did Weeds start lesbian Turkish oil wrestling?"

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